Two Wise Women Talking
Would you like to learn how to love yourself more, to be truly kind to yourself, no matter what kind of stress or challenge is happening in your life or in the world? Would you like to get along better with your loved ones? Healers/teachers Diana Zaheer and Sheira Kahn invite you into moments of their lifelong friendship. With its deep conversations -- blending ancient teachings, modern psychology and spiritual wisdom -- this podcast breaks new ground by welcoming you into their relationship directly at the energetic and experiential level, to spark your own understanding and inspiration in daily life.
Two Wise Women Talking
Building Safety
Season 1
Episode 4
Everyone wants to feel safe. In episode 4, Diana and Sheira teach tools to build safety -- inviting listeners on a guided visit to the body where they can connect with the innate experience of safety, one brief moment at a time. This bold, simple approach allows a shift out of automatic, unconscious beliefs and historical behaviors into a new relationship with self and others.